Marketing 101 1/2?

August 23, 2017

Delete, delete, delete, emails all day long. I also hate where I have to open envelopes full of half information and propaganda.

As a business owner like all of us, we are looking at attracting new customers and it becomes more and more difficult to do. Most Email blast are very annoying, so which ones are we likely to open? And are they legit? Do they even pertain to what we do?

Here is what I have found over the years that have been very effective for me.

  1. I use 5 x 8 postcard mailers, clean and to the point of what I offer, and I do research as to who could actually use my services or products (target marketing).
  2. Seminars I use 5 x 8 postcards with a four or five point agenda and one guest speaker. The agenda again should be aimed at your target market, provide some sort of dinner, snacks and coffee, and a time limit on how long your show will last.keep in mind-do not make your guest speaker the main attraction, it is you that must connect with your audience and potential customer.
  3. Seminars, I make it interactive, questions and answers, this keeps thee audience engaged, not the boring dry read from the scripts type of lecture. Avoid details on your products and services, instead talk about how your services help or have helped your customers.
  4. I only mailed around 100-150 invites with RSVP only, I had to I used to have the seminars on Tuesday, I had to add Thursdays because of the overflow.
  5. Demographics, most companies or individuals do not want to travel more than 10-15 minutes to attend a seminar. So do your homework and outline a circle radius from your hosting location and send invites within the 15 minute circle
  6. Have a sign-in sheet
  7. Have a handout with your information (single sheet) where they can pick a topic or product they are interested. Have them fill this out BEFORE they leave.
  8. Videos on your website
  9. Company logo, branding your name is crucial.
  10. Joining every possible place in the world: Facebook, LinkedIn, reddit, spyfu, moz, manta, yahoo, yelp, wordpress, wordtracker, tumblr, Alexa, mailchimp, opportunity, alignable, google one account, proringer, ezinearticles, and the list goes on…BLOG, BLOG, BLOG
  11. I wrote my book: Seminar Marketing & Sales Training for the Financial Professional Back in 2006, it still sells well, why? back to basics, it works.

Find your niche, market to your niche and strength, keep it simple. Just think about what turns you on or off and apply that to your marketing strategy.

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